Make a video call with the same legal security as being in the same room.
By going through an easy, certified, extremely fast and secure identification process before your caller joins the Video-Call you can take advantage of the benefits video calls offer to all of us without the drawback of it´s legal uncertainty.
But there is much more to Trustybell, send documents with certified identification of sender and receiver, make payments while you Video-Call or outside of them, show as caller your exact location and take advantage of our fully automated Hotline-Feature!
All features combined in the Trustybell APP enable you trusted, safe and effective communication – and so easy and intuitive to use!

Be Safe (Also While you Videocall)
We have all seen a massive surge of communication over video-call apps like Zoom or MS-Teams. Though in most cases this is fine, many communications are either done now on a lower security level than before, as they lack identification of the client, or they are still done in person.
Many companies or government agencies can not switch their processes to fully digital solutions because of the lack of identification of the customer or citizen.
Key Features
Trustybell has a series of important features which enable you to get in contact with you clients on a secure and identified way. These features are:
Our Solution
We offer our clients the possibility of taking advantage of the digitalization-call surge without making compromises on the legal side. Trustybell is extremely easy to use for your customers and your employees, it is also fast: it takes less than 1 minute for your customer to join the meeting or send a document to. Our state of the art AI-identification process is intuitive, extremely secure and fast.